Sunday, June 5, 2016

Momma's Boy

Hello Momma!
Nothing's better than your horse showing you that he loves you, right?  When a nicker greets you the
second you walk into the barn, well, that's the best part of the day, isn't it?  The bright-eyed, ears-forward "Hi Mom!" look is, to me, better than wine and chocolate combined.  And if you've followed this blog, you know how I feel about wine and chocolate.

Indy is an extremely people-oriented horse, and he has definitely identified me as his primary person.  He loves my kids, but I am very clearly his MOM -bold, capitals, and underlined.

He doesn't just nicker or whinny when I come into the barn, he shrieks: "MOM-MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"  It's kind of adorable, and it makes me melt.  You gotta love it when someone's that happy to see you.

And when our horse comes to you in the field, that's a great feeling, right?  Like they love their grass and horse time, but they love you more. Sug would come to me when she saw me at the fence. More often than not Indy will see me, shriek, and come flying over in a gorgeous extended trot with his mane and tail flying like a shampoo commercial. 

Other signs Indy is a complete Momma's Boy:

When he grazes, most of the time he likes to be next to me. Right next to me.  As in almost on top of me. Every now and then he'll raise his head to noodge me, like he's making sure I'm still there.




If he's on the cross-ties and I leave, he often yells for me.  If there's something scary, like the big fan they brought in to help cool the barn during the hot weather, he starts whinnying as soon as I leave his side.  I can walk the 10 feet to the other side of the aisle and he'll do a rumbly little whinny
.  If I leave his sight the decibel level and intensity escalates until he can see me again.

He was so funny at a horse show we recently went to.  I walked around the front of the trailer to get something from the dressing room and he started hollering as soon as he lost sight of me.  The second he saw me through the dressing room windows he stopped in mid-yell, jammed his nose against the window and exhaled loudly, as if to say, "Oh, thank God. I thought you'd left me."  (I know, anthropomorphize much?)

If I come to his stall when he's eating he will actually leave his feed tub and come over to me.  Have you ever seen a horse do that? I haven't.  Maybe it was because Sug wouldn't leave her food unless I was covered head to toe in Stud Muffins, peppermints, and Oreos.

I mean, on one hand I love that he's so attached.  On the other I worry that he's got separation anxiety and there's something I need to be doing to make him more self-assured.

What does you horse do that shows you he/she loves you?


  1. What's his breeding (he's not on the "mane" page).

    1. I know, I'm sorry, just never got around to updating everything. Sigh. I mean to, then life intervenes. He's by Escudo II, out of Royal Crossing, who is out of a Riverman mare.

  2. Aw that's pretty sweet. My mare likes to act like she needs to be rescued from me all the time lol

    1. No way! I can't believe that. She's probably just making sure you know who has the power in the relationship. :)

  3. *sigh* All I can say is, I cannot contain my extreme jealousy that you a) have a horse b) have a horse who loves you this much and c) the horse is grey, which of course is my favorite color. I think he's WONDERFUL and very sweet!

    1. I think that if you came to visit and brought him treats he'd love you just as much. :) And it's funny, I've always been a bay girl. I've thought a nice dark grey was pretty, but of course they lighten. I've told Indy is not allowed to do that.

  4. My goodness, he is SUCH a momma's boy. Mine is NOT like that. His best friend is whoever has food. I'm the one he chooses to act up with (embarrassing to say the least)

    1. oh, don't worry, he'll ditch me for anyone who has food, and then come back to me. As well as acting up, he does that with me, too. Kinda like kids. It never fails - your kids can be absolute angels for everyone else, and then come home and take out any and all of their frustrations on you.

  5. Oh, he'll abandon me momentarily for anyone with a treat, that's for sure. And he certainly acts up with me. He'll be a turd for me, and then my BM gets on him and says he's perfect, which makes my eyes cross.

  6. Oh my gosh that's so cute! What a sweet boy.
