Hi all! I'm sorry it's been an age since I've posted - not that I flatter myself thinking your lives have been on hold while you've waited with bated breath for my next next utterance! I feel like a friend who hasn't picked up the phone to touch base in a while. Hope everything has been going well with you.
Here's an update of what's been going on with me, in "What I'm Thankful For" format:
I'm very thankful for my family, and that we're all (knock wood) healthy and happy.
The kids and I getting heading out to a friend's wedding. |
The Sainted Mare and James are healthy (again, knock wood - lots of it!) and continue to teach us. God bless these creatures, they've got such a sense of humor to put up with our shenanigans! Sug and I did our first show of the year in October, along with James and Noah. We got there expecting to ride around 3PM, and wound up getting on at 8:30. We rode outside under the moonlight, with the wind whipping through the cornstalks on the jump standards. As you can imagine, it was, ummm, an interesting show. I'm thankful we survived! Noah and I showed James and Sug again a few weeks ago, and it was a much more successful outing. I actually "flowed" instead of going around pick-pick-picking to each fence. WHOOP WHOOP!
Noah thanks James for the ribbons they won together |
Good girl, Sug! |
I give thanks that we have wonderful friends that share their lives with us.
I'm thankful we're blessed to be able to help others...
Bump, the blind cat my kids rescued from the street. |
Me & the Mare, raising funds for breast cancer research at Ride for the Cure. |
I'm blessed to have the opportunities I do in this life - many thanks to Horse Junkies United!
At the George Morris Gladstone Program |
At Rolex with David O'Connor. |
At Rolex with Peter Atkins of Run Henny Run fame. photo by HJU |
And I'm thankful that you folks are in my life! The fact that you take time out of your day to read my stuff and comment still amazes and thrills me. Thanks so much for sharing a part of your lives with me!
There's so much more to be thankful for, but I have get off my tush and start cooking.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Love, Me and The Sainted Mare