Ever feel like this? |
Do forgive me for dropping off the face of the earth. Not that I flatter myself that you've been waiting on the edge of your chairs for me to post again. (What? You mean you haven't?!? I'm crushed.
Anyway, getting back to my narcissistic fantasy that you've missed me: I've been off dealing with, well, some Very. Important. Crap. (Meaning I think it's important. Not like World Peace or Syria or world hunger or women's rights, but you know, important on a me-me-me-me-me level). You know, the stuff that distracts us from what we like to do. The stuff that pays the bills or otherwise occupies 90% of our waking moments. You have that as well, yes? That stuff that keeps you awake at night with your mind spinning around like a gerbil on a Habitrail wheel?
Let me bring you up to speed:
1) Sugar has had a second bout with a corneal ulcer. We noticed it right before I left on a business trip. It seemed small and insignificant at first, but while I was away things seemed to get worse, and thevet was called a couple times and it felt like being far away from your kid while she was injured and in hospital. Bless the grooms at the barn we're at - they were on top of everything. Bottom line is she has an indolent corneal ulcer and things look like they are slooooooooowwwwlllllyy improving. We hope.
2) James, the OTTB my kids ride, has ulcers and some issues in his hocks/stifles, which makes the poor guy a bit cranky. Who can blame him? So we try to keep him comfy with chiropractic. acupuncture, and massage until my BO comes back from Florida and we can explore other options for him. We're probably looking at injections in the hocks and stifles. GULP.
3) Oh yeah, it's time for Sug's yearly injections. Double GULP.
4) Sophie is having a hard time adjusting to James. It's tough going from a pony to a horse. He's also a Thoroughbred and a more challenging ride. If she had her way, she'd like to go back to ponies. My son loves James, and is working his butt off to learn to ride better so he can be a better partner to James. We started working with James as he is a sweetheart, and a cost effective option that we thought both kids could share, as our budget does not stretch to having 3 horses. So Sophie is not happy, and if I am to be honest, she does like to press the easy button. Noah is happy, and accepts that success with this horse will take some work.
Assuming James' health issues are resolved, do we ask Soph to "pony" up to the challenge? If we don't, I can see her losing interest. Then again, that's not the end of the world. Alternatively, I could let her share Sug with me, and Noah could focus on James. Problem there is Sug is 17. I'm not comfortable asking her to jump as often as Sophie and I need to in order to improve. Oh well, none of this is earth-shatteringly important and it
will sort itself out, but it's the sort of situation that makes Mom want to wring her hands and reach for a large glass of Malbec.
5) Add in the fact that I've been dealing with an upper-respiratory/ sinus thing/ cough for darn near a month and a half and it got worse last week when I went on a business trip and I had a senior moment and planned a business trip for the week my kids have Spring Break and my husband is ready to kill me and I have 3 more trips planned in the next month and a half and work has been Super Stressful I don't even want to get into that right now and I just hope I can keep my job so I can pay these vet bills....
6) Those darn green-glad imps of Satan have been around selling their crack-laced cookies. Have you ever been able to turn a Girl Scout down?? No way, right? If you do you risk becoming the neighborhood pariah! Well, our little neighborhood sales mavens know that I'm an easy mark, and hit me up for 24 boxes. Other people hoard pets or chachkes, I hoard Girl Scout cookies.
Well, given the above mentioned stress, I've been on a sugar and carb induced binge. No lie, one morning I woke up with two empty wrappers in the bed next to me and an empty box of Thin Mints on the floor next to the bed. Yep, $h!t just got REAL!!
Given the current lack of fitness regimen due to the inability to breathe courtesy of the illness combined with the constant influx of cookies into my gaping maw, I'm thinking I'll be quailifying as one of the contestants on the next season of the Biggest Loser. I hope I'm on Bob's team. Jillian terrifies me.
So that, in a nutshell, is what's been going on. Thanks for letting me rant.
Could you pass me a cookie, please?