teeth? You're on your way to work and BAM! All of a sudden it hits you and you think, "Aaaack, I forgot my deodorant! I'm going to be the malodorous person in the office and co-workers will be forced to mouth-breathe around me!" Horrifying, yes?
Something like that happened to me on the way to the barn the other night. I was driving and had an itch, so I reached over to my right shoulder to scratch it. My fingers caught on my bra strap and the strap gave way much too easily. "That's not right,' I thought, and tugged on the strap again. Again, it stretched with little effort. Ruh-roh! Not good! I realized I'd forgotten to change out of the comfy sleep bra I sometimes lounge around the house in and in to a heavy-duty sports bra. This is an error of GALACTICAL proprtions when you're sporting a huge set of fun-bags and need a bra with the kind of support that could hold up the Brooklyn Bridge.
My brain went into overdrive mode, because I was supposed to have a lesson and there was NO WAY I could do that given the level of boobage bounce that would undoubtedly ensue. I needed a solution, and I needed it fast. WHAT could I possibly use?? My brain remained stuck on that loop for a while until the solution finally presented itself. Polo wraps! I would bind myself with polo wraps!!
So when I got to the barn I ran to my barn manager to tell him the situation and that I would be a bit late for my lesson and why. (Needless to say he laughed his ass off.) Then I ran to my trunk and grabbed 4 polo wraps. I needed to do barn laundry, so I had one pair of black polos and one set of the pink ones I'd used on a breast cancer ride I'd done a while back. Okay, no biggie, no one would see. I holed up in the bathroom and proceeded to go to work.
I did the first black wrap in criss-cross fashion across my chest, thinking Lift and Separate, kinda like the old Cross Your Heart bras. Wrap 2 started with another criss-cross, then I wrapped the polo around the Girls to hold them down against my chest. You know, Cross Your Heart meets compression sports bra. It was a good start, but not sturdy enough. Clearly sterner measures needed to be taken.
So I used one of the pink polos to do another round of binding. I was starting to feel as if I were engaged in an act of self-mummification. After that I still needed a bit more support so I finished with another criss-cross/bind maneuver.
As I was out of polos, four wraps would have to do the trick. "Better than nothing," I thought as I put my shirt on and looked at myself in the mirror. First off, I looked like a giant box of Good & Plenty licorice candies. I also looked like I was wearing my cross-country protective vest under my shirt. Definitely not a good look.
All in all, my hastily constructed pseudo-bra did the job admirably. I'll admit I had visions of the wraps coming undone during the sitting trot and trailing out from behind like a ridiculously long trail of toilet paper. I'm happy to say they held together, even through the jumping part of the lesson.
It's not like I'd ever recommend polo-mummifying your boobs over wearing the right bra, but if you ever find yourself in a bind (pun intended) the polo wrap thing is a viable alternative.
You're welcome.
You are hysterical! I truly laughed out loud!
ReplyDeleteIt's good to know that I can make you laugh. :) That's my role, you know - bringer of giggles to the masses. ;)
DeleteYou're the Mcgiver of bras! Good to know for future reference...I'm pretty good at forgetting gear myself!
ReplyDeleteOMG, that's hysterical! Totally spewed my coffee when I read your comment. Thank you for my morning giggle, and for the comment. I like the idea of being a McGiver of something!
DeleteThis had me rolling as I envisioned your McGiver bra!
ReplyDeleteAlso thanks for the good trailer book recommendations! I purchased them and poured over them cover to cover :)
I'm so glad you enjoyed them. I refer back to them a lot before each trip. And I also read relevant Chronicle of the Horse forums on trailering - great advice there!
DeleteYup, this was just as funny to read as it was in person. :)
ReplyDelete:). Good - that's what I was going for. Did you see one of my FB friends said she's done something similar with VetWrap? Ingenious!
Deletehahahahaha omg! i'd heard of using polos when you forget half chaps but this.... this is a new one hahaha
ReplyDeleteI admire your drive. Wow.
ReplyDeleteOh dear! and lol. I've heard of people using duct tape before. I feel like that might hurt a bit though.
ReplyDeleteGood Lord! Duct tape??? Youch!! I'd skip the lesson rather than use the duct tape. LOL
DeleteOMG hahahaha
ReplyDeleteLOL you're the best
ReplyDeleteThat's hilarious!
ReplyDeleteBut here's my advice as someone who does bind regularly: polo wraps are probably safe, but please don't ever use Vetwrap or duct tape, as people said above. In either of those situations, you can actually give yourself pneumonia because your chest cavity can't expand fully enough to let in the oxygen your lungs need to expel the fluid build-up. People have died from binding with things like Ace wraps.
Well done keeping it together for the lesson, though!