Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ahhhhhh...Reveling in Thankfulness

As I write this the Thanksgiving holiday weekend is coming to a close.  As weekends go, it was one of the good ones.  Originally, I had devised all kinds of virtuous plans. I was going to clean my closet, do some Christmas shopping (online, as I cannot ABIDE malls), and get some work out of the way (maybe those expense reports that I've been putting off).

Turns out that I didn't manage to do any of that, and you know what?  I don't feel one bit guilty.  Not even a smidge.

I did spend lots of time with my family.  My aunt, uncle and cousin from Florida came North, as did my aunt and uncle from North Carolina.  It was wonderful to re-connect with them and to create new memories together.  It was also good fun to see some of the family elders a wee bit overserved- hehe. (Although, Aunt Kathy, I am gonna do my best to forget our little conversation! There are some things a niece just does not need to know! LOL!) 

Turkey Day at Casa Crazy.
I did spend a lot of time with friends.  One friend, who has been elevated to family status, was able to be with us for Thanksgiving and that was wonderful.  My family dragged her right into the craziness, which made me proud.  We were also able to spend time with friends we don't get to see very often anymore.  Don't you love when you get together with a friend after some time apart and and you are reminded why you became friends in the first place?

I did spend a lot of time with the girls, without feeling rushed, which is almost miraculous these days. The kids and I had a couple of lessons, we hacked, and one semi-frigid day the kids, Libby, and I even managed to go on a trail ride.  It was, in the words of Winnie-the-Pooh, a very blustery day, and Madame Mare shook her sassy head and threatened to toss her heels every time the wind blew a strong gust. Wheeee!

Princess Po-Po gets a massage from my buddy Carolyn. 
Umm, me next, please?!
So, good intentions be damned.  This fine weekend, sloth won out over industriousness and I, for one, am thankful.

Thanks for reading, and I hope your weekend was wonderful as well!

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