Friday, August 5, 2011

TGIF - Fabulous Way to End the Week

This is one week I am happy to see the end of.  You know the kind -- work issues, kid issues, car problems.  One thing after the other piles on until BAM!  Somebody says something they shouldn't on Facebook.

Anyway, this week was one of those.  To add to the external frustrations, my barn time was not quite the therapy it normally is.  I was tense and stiff; Sug was stiff.  Our rides were not going well.  I didn't feel right, and she didn't feel right.  If you're a parent, you know when your kid is coming down with something long before it's obvious to others.  We did some long and low stuff and some lateral work at the walk for a couple of days, and I did some massage after our rides.

Today the kids and I headed out to the barn early -- thank God for summer Fridays!  Soph rode Cookie and I rode my mare, who was a lot looser and more willing to bend than in previous rides this week.  We did some suppling exercises, kept it forward and loose, and had the first decent ride this week.

My son, who absolutely adores and is adored by my mare, wanted to hop on and cool her off, so the kids took the girls for a sedate walk around the fields, accompanied by the Billie Jean, the barn donkey.  I sat up on the hill and watched, and for the first time this week, RELAXED.

TGIF, ya'll!  Hope its a good weekend for you!

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